
Bridgemead feasts

The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Rob Appleyard, said on a recent visit:” Bridgemead is brilliant. There is a sense of grace and love here, and the food is amazing!” Elliot Gower is part of the great team in the kitchens at Bridgemead producing the amazing food. He has worked here for 12 years, with the chefs Mark […]

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It’s Samba time!

Lauren from Golden Toes got everybody moving with a tropical themed seated dance class this week. Everyone had a go at the samba, flamenco and hula dance and Bridgemead was dancing! Lauren said “Everyone performed beautifully and it was a great pleasure to dance with and for everyone.”

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Blooming in the Botanical Gardens

Five Bridgemead residents, along with Heather, Denise and Sonia took advantage of the sunshine by taking a stroll around Bath Botanical Gardens this week,and admired the flower borders in full bloom. Residents enjoyed watching families and children picnicking and playing in the sunshine. Dog walkers stopped to chat and their dogs were petted by all. […]

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Sheila talks about her 5 month respite stay at Bridgemead

Why did you stay at Bridgemead? “Last year I had a very nasty fall and ended up in Southmead Hospital having a 5 hour operation on my neck: the surgeon had to take a bone from my hip to replace some of the vertebrae in my neck. My son, who lives in Paris, looked around […]

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All the flowers are out at Bridgemead

The flowers are all blooming at Bridgemead Day Club today. This gorgeous spring flower collage has flower templates  painted and coloured by some of our Day Club clients and Bridgemead residents.

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Emma McDermott, SRA Architects, talks about Bridgemead’s New Wing

Why do we need a new wing? Your original requirement was to protect the building from flooding, to relocate those residents and services from the lower ground level and upgrade the existing home to provide a dementia friendly environment. We knew that this would not be a simple scheme; in fact, we looked at about […]

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